
Chat Spark Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy
Last updated: May 23rd, 2024

Introduction: Welcome to Sparkapps.AI, developers of Chat Spark, a communication platform designed specifically with families and children in mind. Our commitment extends to ensuring a safe, high-quality experience for all users, consistent with Google Play Families policies. This policy is designed to inform you about our practices regarding collection, use, and disclosure of information that you or your children may provide via our app.

1. Information We Collect:

1.1 Personal Information:

  • Email address
  • Age

1.2 Non-Personal Information:

  • Device type and operating system
  • App usage data

2. How We Use Information: We use collected information to:

  • Provide and manage the service.
  • Enhance user experience.
  • Communicate updates and promotional offers.
  • Ensure security and integrity of our services.
  • Comply with legal requirements.

3. Sharing Information:

  • We do not sell personal information.
  • Non-personal information may be shared with partners for service enhancement under strict privacy terms.

4. Target Audience and Content:

  • Our app is designed for children under 13 and adheres to Google Play’s assessment for such content.
  • We use appropriate imagery and terminology suitable for children.

5. Data Practices:

  • We do not collect sensitive information from children without parental consent.
  • We comply with stringent data handling practices ensuring the privacy and protection of child data.

6. App Functionality:

  • Our app does not merely provide a webview of a website and does not drive affiliate traffic without permission.
  • We ensure all functionalities are native and suitable for the declared target audience.

7. Compliance with Legal Standards:

  • We adhere to the U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) along with applicable local laws.

8. Advertising and Monetization:

  • We ensure all ads are appropriate for children and do not employ interest-based advertising or remarketing techniques.
  • Ads are clear, unobtrusive, and distinguishable from app content.

9. Use of APIs and SDKs:

  • We only use APIs and SDKs that are approved for use in services directed at children.
  • We do not use APIs that collect data from children without proper safeguards.

10. Augmented Reality (AR):

  • If used, our app includes a safety warning upon AR launch, advising parental supervision and awareness of the physical environment.

11. Social Features:

  • Our app provides in-app reminders for online safety and requires adult action for children to share personal information.

12. Adult Verification:

  • We employ mechanisms like adult PIN or email verification to ensure that features designed for adults are not accessible by children.

13. Updates and Modifications:

  • We may update this policy to reflect changes to our information practices. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by email or by means of a notice on this app prior to the change becoming effective.

14. Contact Information: For questions or concerns regarding this policy or our practices, please contact us at:

We will make every effort to respond to your inquiry as soon as possible and within the timeframes set out by applicable data protection laws.